Showing posts from 2020

Nature's Droplets Like Tears in Her Eyes

Yesterday, while showing the pond and well to some guests, I felt a little sad about how murky the water had become. But, as always, Mother ...

Dr. Pralob Kumar’s Family Visited

Yesterday, we had the pleasure of a surprise visit from Dr. Pralob Kumar’s family and team. It was a delightful experience to host them at t...

Mango Giner Harvest: Nov'20

Recently, we harvested our Mango Ginger plants from our Kadankode Garden. These gingers are delicious when eaten raw with just a touch of c...

Guided by the Light

Today is a day of light here, and with it, we share our heartfelt wishes: May people embark on their journey towards enlightenment. May the ...

First Paddy Harvest in Nov'20

Our last paddy harvest of November 2020 came with both joy and a bit of humor. Despite Lord Murugan’s loyal peacocks helping themselves to n...

Nathan's First Taste of Business

Nathan has proudly made his first farm harvest sale, turning his efforts into a sweet success. He sold 18kgs of Sweet Potatoes at an organic...

First Sweet Potato Harvest

The first sweet potato harvest from our farm was a delightful team effort! Sreeba Senthilkumar and Devi Saravanan, guided by our young exper...

Groundnut Harvest Oct'20

Thyagaraja Nathan K S successfully completed his first independent project with a harvest in October 2020. A proud moment marking the start ...

Beautiful Mushrooms

I don’t claim to be the farmer; rather, the farm is thriving on its own. This season, we're blessed with an abundance of mushrooms, each...

Our Farmhouse Becomes a Home

Our farmhouse has finally become a true home, with my family now joining me to stay. It feels complete! I hope, in time, friends can start v...

First Set of Flowers

As I stood smiling at the baby plants gently swaying with their first set of flowers, I was reminded of an old Malayalam movie song. Their d...

Lighting Up the Night at Kalaalayam Farm

This is the beautiful view I am greeted with at Kalaalayam Farm. As I light a lamp in the sit-out, the deep blue sky acknowledges nature’s q...

Birds on a Break?

This is a scene of countless cranes sitting peacefully on a paddy field in my neighborhood. I’m not exactly sure what these guys are up to! ...

Heartbreaking Headless Trees

It’s a strange realization to discover that while we’ve often talked about people without heads being somewhat normal in a metaphorical sens...

Butter Frog in Danger

Our well, affectionately named Gangamayi, has become an unexpected haven for frogs. These delightful amphibians have made themselves at home...

Tree That Swallowed Boulders

I always saw this tree as just another part of the landscape until yesterday. On my way from Palakkad to the farm, I noticed something extra...

Delightful Duck Parade

We absolutely adore watching our little, soft, and lovely ducks as they wander around the house together. In my observation, they seem to be...

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