Pickles Project 2021

Our pickles project has kicked off today with some exciting trials. While our farm has only small baby mango trees, our Kadankode house boasts five mango trees, including three old varieties that are yielding abundantly. Among them, one is ideal for pickles and another for fruit consumption. 

Here’s a rundown of our pickle trials:

  1. Raw mangoes mixed with iodine-free crystal salt and red chillies dried from our farm.
  2. Raw mangoes soaked in boiled and cooled water with crystal salt.
  3. Raw mangoes dried in hot sunlight, then combined with crystal salt.
  4. Ripe mangoes mixed with sugarcane sugar, black pepper, cardamom, and cloves.
  5. Mango Ginger (from our Kadankode Garden) mixed with crystal salt and green chillies. This unique blend is intended to complement the regular pickle and provide a sweet taste that may help with heartburn and acidity issues.

I’ve hidden these from sight to resist the temptation of tasting them before the proper time. I’m also preparing other ingredients for further pickle variations. If you’re interested in learning more or want to follow along with the recipes, let me know, and I’ll start sharing them!