Ploughing before the Rains (2021)

Land preparation is in full swing as the monsoon approaches. Ploughing the soil remains one of the more costly tasks for us on the farm. We schedule it twice a year—once before the rains and once after the harvests. To manage expenses, we’ve designated only four plots for regular ploughing and the cultivation of crops like cereals and pulses.

The rest of the plots are home to beds and trenches that support trees and plants, where we don’t use tractors. Instead, these areas are enriched naturally with dried organic matter like leaves and grass. Within these plots, dedicated beings—earthworms—work tirelessly to improve the soil. We often spot them while harvesting roots, and their work has transformed the soil far better than any tractor could.

I’m seriously considering converting the entire land to this method. The only challenge is the availability of cow dung and organic waste to support the process.