Turmeric Trial 2021

We planted turmeric (மஞ்சள்/മഞ്ഞൾ) last monsoon as a trial, and while one plot thrived and the other didn’t, the overall yield exceeded our expectations. We harvested about 30 kg of turmeric, which we boiled, dried, and powdered. 

Interestingly, to retain its natural aroma, we followed a traditional village technique: adding a handful of desi cow dung to the water during the boiling process. Though this separates during drying, it somehow enhances the aroma's longevity.

The final product amounted to 6 kg of fine turmeric powder. We plan to sell 50% to friends who have already requested some, and a portion is set aside for making Sindhooram (Kumkum).

Here's a photo of the freshly ground turmeric powder, soon to be delivered to the farm. Nathan took this lovely shot, thoughtfully placing a leaf beside the powder. Ironically, the leaf isn’t from a turmeric plant, but an arrowroot plant! Still, it adds a nice touch.