Watching Sun and Remembering Saints

While watching the most important creation in our universe—the Sun—I had a realization today. Despite being the very essence of life on Earth, the Sun often goes unnoticed. It’s fascinating how something so vital, without which none of us could survive, doesn’t seem as grand as it truly is to our eyes. Many people hardly give it a moment’s thought each day.

When people do talk about the Sun, it’s usually about its harsh light and heat—because it affects them directly. They rarely acknowledge the softer beauty of the Sun, the warm yellow, orange, and red hues it paints across the sky. They overlook the life-giving energy it provides, the food that grows because of its rays, and even how our hunger and digestion are driven by sunlight.

What an irony!

This observation doesn’t just apply to the Sun; it applies to all the great souls in this world. These individuals often go unappreciated and unnoticed for their greatness. Instead, they are criticized for their moments of anger and arrogance, which are as natural and blessed as the Sun’s intensity. Those who foolishly expose themselves to these qualities may get hurt, while those who understand and respect them remain unharmed.