Nurturing the Next Generation

In 2019, I began teaching a couple of young children from our relatives' circle the basics of gardening. I introduced them to a simple plant called the 10 o’clock flower, which blooms the very next morning. The children were thrilled and eager to continue practicing their new gardening skills at home.

However, to my surprise, the feedback from their homes was less than supportive:

  • "Working in the soil is unhygienic. Stop this nonsense and wash your feet immediately."
  • "Focus on your studies. You don’t want to end up as a farmer!"

Despite the discouragement, one young boy in our family was determined. Over the course of a week, he learned various organic farming techniques from me. Not only did he persist, but he also successfully cultivated several vegetables in raised beds that he built by himself at home.

It was a proud and rewarding moment when he called, full of excitement, to share how he had accomplished this. In that moment, I felt the joy of knowing that another seed had been planted—one that will grow in the next generation, teaching them how to produce their own food.

I truly believe that if children are allowed to engage in gardening, especially during challenging times like pandemics or lockdowns, they will experience less stress. It will also help them build a natural connection to the earth, along with a boost in their immunity.